Archivio: articoli scientifici inerenti la bonifica della Valle del Sacco

Non puoi utilizzare liberamente i seguenti files: alcuni sono articoli scientifici a pagamento, offerti dal gruppo civico Cambiare tramite una raccolta fondi.
La ricerca è coadiuvata da Arnaldo D'Amico, professore emerito dell'Università di Roma Tor Vergata.
Nel file "articoli da acquistare.txt" è presente una lista di articoli di interesse, i cui costi non abbiamo potuto sostenere e la cui donazione è gradita.

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Alvarez - Bacterial Bio-Resources for Remediation of HCH.pdf   (353.21 kb)
Bachmann - Aerobic Biomineralization of Alpha-HCH.pdf   (1.14 mb)
Bachmann - Biodegradation of Alpha- and Beta-HCH in a Soil Slurry in Redox.pdf   (1.27 mb)
Becerra Castro - Fitoremediation of HCH using Cytisus striatus.pdf   (1000.56 kb)
Bending - Degradation of contrasting pesticides by white rot fungi.pdf   (149.79 kb)
Boltner - Rhizoremediation of lindane by root colonizing Sphingomonas.pdf   (184.65 kb)
Canini - Tetracycline accumulates in Iberis sempervirens.pdf   (482.74 kb)
Ceremonie - Plasmid encoded c-HCH degradation genes inserted in Sphingobium Francense.pdf   (383.82 kb)
Cocco - Risk of lymphoma by pesticide level in plasma.pdf   (198.13 kb)
Danieli - Impact of growing poplar srf case study of the Sacco Valley.pdf   (235.48 kb)
Datta - Metabolism of g-hexachlorocyclohexane by Arthrobacter citreus.pdf   (143.92 kb)
El Nemr - PCBs and pesticides in sediments of the Egyptian Coast.pdf   (932.96 kb)
Endo - Growth Inhibition by Metabolites of HCH in Sphingobium Japonicum.pdf   (95.14 kb)
Esteve Nunez - Biological Degradation of 2 4 6 Trinitrotoluene.pdf   (437.49 kb)
Giri - Biodegradation of HCH by two species of Bacillus.pdf   (371.75 kb)
Gusev - Evaluation of HCH transport from North American and European sources.pdf   (4.31 mb)
Heijungs - Enviromental Life Cycle assessment of products.pdf   (19.01 mb)
Johri - Genetic manipulations of microorganisms for the degradation of HCH.pdf   (1.2 mb)
Kalantzi - Low dose enviromental lindane in breasts and prostate.pdf   (277.68 kb)
Kumari - Cloning and Characterization of genes for Sphingomonas paucimobilis for HCH.pdf   (426.06 kb)
Kuritz - Filamentous Cyanobacteria for Biodegradation.pdf   (254.96 kb)
Lal - Biochemistry of Microbial Degradation of Hexachlorocyclohexane.pdf   (4.11 mb)
Lal - Pontibacter indicus isolated from HCH contaminated soil.pdf   (158.04 kb)
Lal - Pontibacter isolated from HCH dump.pdf   (143.75 kb)
Lal - Pseudomonas to Sphingobium indicum in HCH bioremediation.pdf   (695.11 kb)
Le Borgne - Degradation of OP by Halophilic Bacteria and Archaea.pdf   (448.59 kb)
Mac Guinness - Plant Associated Bacterial Degradation of Toxic Organic Compounds in Soil.pdf   (311.91 kb)
Macwan - Crystal Structure of HCH Dehydrochlorinase.pdf   (1.01 mb)
Maliszewska Kordybach - POPs in alluvial agriculture affecred by flooding.pdf   (442.85 kb)
Manickam - A Novel Pathway in c-HCH degradation by a Xanthomonas.pdf   (632.68 kb)
Mertens - Slow Release Inoculation Allows Sustained Biodegradation of gamma-HCH.pdf   (113.6 kb)
Nagata - Cloning gene ecoding enzime with hydrolase activity for HCH degradation in Pseudomonas paucimobilis.pdf   (1.64 mb)
Nagata - Degradation of HCH by Haloalkane Dehalogenase from Sphingomans Paucimobilis.pdf   (65.03 kb)
Nagata - Gene Involved in the Degradation of HCH in Pseudomonas Paucimobilis.pdf   (1.78 mb)
Natividad - Effectiveness of advanced oxydation with ozone in pesticide degradation.pdf   (146.43 kb)
Okai - Xray analysis of HCH dehydrochlorinase from Sphingobium japonicum.pdf   (187.27 kb)
Quintero - Screening of white rot fungal species for their capacity to degrade HCH.pdf   (446.35 kb)
Rodriguez Garrido - Reductive Dechlorination of HCH with Hydroxocobalamin.pdf   (1.69 mb)
Sangwan - Comparative Metagenomic Analysis of Soil Microbial Communities in HCH contamination.pdf   (2.26 mb)
Sangwan - Reconstructing an ancestral genotype of two HCH degrading Sphyngobium.pdf   (1.49 mb)
Sharma - Haloalkane Dehalogenase is Responsible for Sphingobium Indicum effect on HCH.pdf   (306.14 kb)
Sharma - Known LinA Variants with Different HCH Isomers.pdf   (166.77 kb)
Siripattanakul - Atrazine degradation by stable mixed cultures.pdf   (218.4 kb)
Stepniewska - Endophytic microorganisms bioremediation of greenhouse gases.pdf   (339.36 kb)
Suar - Dynamics of Multiple Gene Expression in Sphingomonas Paucimobilis for HCH.pdf   (376.36 kb)
Tesi - D. Bianconi - Applicazione sperimentale di rizorimedio su suoli inquinati da composti organici.pdf   (20.25 mb)
Tesi - G. Russo - Analisi della plasticita in genotipi contrastanti di Populus Nigra.pdf   (7.16 mb)
Tesi - Istituto di Sperimentazione per la Pioppicoltura.pdf   (2.48 mb)
Tesi - L. Mareschi - Sostenibilita di nuovi cloni di pioppo.pdf   (1.44 mb)
Thacker - Comparison of pesticide residues in surface and ground water.pdf   (679.41 kb)
Thomas - A Novel g-Hexachlorocyclohexane-Degrading Bacterium.pdf   (581.12 kb)
Van Aken - Phytoremediation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls.pdf   (412.69 kb)
Van Doesburg - Dechlorination of b-HCH by Dehalobacter species in coculture Sedimentibacter.pdf   (202.6 kb)
Van Jaarsveld - Modelling transport of POPs in Europe.pdf   (1.71 mb)
Verma - Comparative genomic analysis of nine Sphingobium strains.pdf   (3.27 mb)
Vijgen - The legacy of lindane and technical HCH production.pdf   (440.82 kb)
Volchek - The release of lindane from contaminated building materials.pdf   (1.51 mb)
Waliszewski - Breast milk excretion kinetic of b-HCH.pdf   (209.89 kb)
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